Jack & Lara

Age: 24 & 28
Location: New York, USA
Sex life: Explosive
When artist Lara first laid eyes on Jack, the attraction was instantaneous. A college student at the time, as she watched the young, “so handsome I couldn’t take my eyes off him” improv actor on stage, she turned to her friend in the audience and whispered, "The guy with the long hair is cute. I would love to draw him." When her friend suggested she talk to him, Lara was too shy. Not her friend though: as Lara says, “During intermission, my friend approached the guy and told him, ‘My friend wants to talk to you.’” Left with no choice, she did… And they exchanged numbers. And kept talking. And now, more than five years later, the spotlight is on both of them as they make their Lustery debut.
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Age: 24 & 28
Location: New York, USA
Sex life: Explosive
When artist Lara first laid eyes on Jack, the attraction was instantaneous. A college student at the time, as she watched the young, “so handsome I couldn’t take my eyes off him” improv actor on stage, she turned to her friend in the audience and whispered, "The guy with the long hair is cute. I would love to draw him." When her friend suggested she talk to him, Lara was too shy. Not her friend though: as Lara says, “During intermission, my friend approached the guy and told him, ‘My friend wants to talk to you.’” Left with no choice, she did… And they exchanged numbers. And kept talking. And now, more than five years later, the spotlight is on both of them as they make their Lustery debut.
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