The Camino de Santiago traces a network of ancient pilgrim routes in Northern Spain – and in the case of Spanish lovers Shargón and Innana, it was a pilgrimage that led them not necessarily to enlightenment but certainly to each other, with a chance encounter on the route in 2013 serving as the opening chapter of their future together. Of course, the path laid out in front of them might not have been so obvious at the time. As they put it, “At first, we would meet to fuck all day long but between fucks we realized that we had a powerful connection in every way. Eventually we became a conventional couple.” Their journey together would later lead to them opening up their relationship, a type of dynamic they have revelled in ever since. Their ‘openness’ extends to the literal too. “The most steamy experiences we have had have been fucking, numerous times, in public, due to the fact that sometimes we have been aroused in inappropriate places and, on certain occasions, desire overcomes civic duty,” they confess. And despite being busy with work and studying, desire gets just as much prioritising at home too, with the couple enjoying and active, passionate and spontaneous sex life.