Elizabeth & Max

  • 35 & 34
  • Kansas City, United States
  • Vacation!
  • Open relationship
  • Our story

About us

Elizabeth and Max have been together for the last three years, and while their busy lives and other partners make for a full schedule, they say that the time they spend together feels more like a vacation than anything else. The polyamorous pair have regular date nights around twice a week; time they dedicate to sex, playing games together and plenty of cuddling – all of which play a part in how they discovered their favorite sex position. “We’ve affectionately nicknamed it ‘53’ because it was awesome sex we had right after finishing playing a game and Elizabeth’s score was 53. It’s sort of a lying-down snuggly doggie-style, and the first time it happened, we were lying in a bed in a yurt and there was a window right at the headboard of the bed – and as we had sex, the sun started rising, revealing the most impressive Colorado sunrise. It was magical!” Of course, the magic doesn’t stop there either…
Colorado Confidential
Colorado Confidential

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