Kee Simone is Lovedbyher Community

Kee Simone is the founder of Lovedbyher, an online storytelling series that celebrates love between Black queer women and trans/non-binary people. It’s the kind of content she wished she could have seen as a sheltered military kid who didn’t realize she was a lesbian.

Kee Simone is a digital marketing specialist who runs a host of creative brands beyond Lovedbyher. You can find her on Twitter & Instagram, and the storytelling series is at lovedbyher.com.

Have thoughts, feedback, or story suggestions? Send an email or voice memo to askaria@lustery.com. You can follow the show on Twitter & Instagram, and our host Aria is on Twitter.

This show features explicit language and sexual content, and is intended for a mature audience.

Click here to listen on your favorite podcast platform.

Theme song by LAS ODIO.

Kee Simone is Lovedbyher Community

October 4, 2021

Kee Simone is the founder of Lovedbyher, an online storytelling series that celebrates love between Black queer women and trans/non-binary people.